Rob Paradise

Husband, Father, VP Sales for Arborwear , Avid Outdoorsman, Determined Kidney Cancer Fighter

Rob was getting ready for a hunting trip to the mountains of Colorado. Though born and raised in Ohio, the open rugged spaces of the Western US have always called to him.

Just days before leaving on his trip, he knew something was wrong when he had blood in his urine. He called his brother who is a physician at Cleveland Clinic who told him he needed to get checked out right away. Rob, however was just about to leave for his trip, but got in to see his primary care and got first and ultrasound, then a CT. Just as he was about to leave on the plane, his brother called and told him that he had kidney cancer. Rob decided that he was going anyway. This time in nature, gave him time to process this new challenge, clear his mind and he came home ready to fight. In fact his first thought when he found out about his kidney cancer was “Really? Well, that is a bummer, but let's get going to get rid of it!”

Advice from Rob to other cancer patients

Take some time for yourself and let the diagnosis shock subside. I was much more realistic, focused and determined on a positive outcome after doing so.”