British Columbia

Presenting AI Reseach and Climbing 4 Kidney Cancer

This trip to Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada is a great opportunity for Climb4KC. We will be hosting KITS 23, an international kidney cancer segmentation challenge at MICCAI and CLINICAI 23. This research is made possible by your funding and donations! Through your donations, we have created the largest publicly available kidney cancer dataset with segmentations. This dataset represents 20,000 hours of segmentation and countless additional hours in chart reviews, analysis etc. Our Climb 4 Kidney Cancer dataset has been used by thousands of researchers around the world and has been cited in over 700 research papers from around the world. On Sunday Oct 8th, we hosted some of the top researchers in kidney and kidney tumor segmentation for a scientific discussion on how this translates into tangible benefits for kidney cancer patients and AI. We also climbed Black Tusk Mountian for some fantastic patients, Rob Paradise, Terry Muelken and Dr. Patrick Riggs. Read our trip report and meet the patients.