First Name
Last Name
Approximately how old were you when you were diagnosed with kidney cancer?
Approximately how much time has passed since being diagnosed? with kidney cancer?
How did you find out you had kidney cancer?
I had a symptom that led to finding the cancer (i.e. blood in the urine, loosing weight, felt a mass, etc)
It was an unexpected, I had a CT scan or MRI for some other reason and they found the cancer
What treatments did you get for your kidney cancer? (check all that apply)
Surgery (Kidney removal, partial nephrectomy, nephrectomy etc)
Radiation (EBRT, Gamma Knife etc)
Systemic Therapy/Targeted Therapy/Immunotherapy/Chemotherapy
Alternative Treatments (acupuncture/chiropractor/faith healing
What is the current status of your kidney cancer?
Cancer Free (Treated and currently free from any evidence of disease, i.e. NED no evidence of disease)
Stable Disease (Treated and there are still some spots on the scans that haven't gone away, but aren't growing either)
Progressing disease (There is evidence of new spots or growing spots on imaging studies)
No longer worrying about kidney cancer (Passed away from kidney cancer or treatments related to kidney cancer)
May we contact you about your story?
Do you give us permission to share all or part of your story/photos on our website, social media pages and with other climbers to raise awareness for kidney cancer?
Are you interested in learning more about the Climb 4 Kidney Cancer Patient Advisory Committee?
What were your first thoughts, or the first emotions you felt when you found out you had kidney cancer?
Please share the most vivid details of your kidney cancer story. Feel free to write your whole story as you remember it.
Please tell us about what you do for work/occupation.
Please tell us about what you like to do in your free time. Enter as many or as few things as you like, i.e. hobbies, past times etc, things you'd rather do instead of thinking of kidney cancer.
Please tell us about 1-2 people who helped you with your journey with kidney cancer.
What advice would you share with someone newly diagnosed with kidney cancer?
TextA picture is worth a 1000 words. Please share a picture(s) of you and your friends and family to complete your story. Please email us your picture at